IoT Solutions for Tire

Tire manufacturing consists of processes that are extremely heavy on energy and consumables. Use Datonis IoT to connect your machines and build a data layer for your operational data. Use the power of analytics and machine learning to uncover patterns and trends in how your processes work. Integrate operational insights into your ERP to drive business outcomes.

Focus Areas


Trace the product life cycle right from raw material to the delivery phase. Gain insights into the production processes and stages as the product is being manufactured.

Consumables Monitoring

Analyze and drive down raw material consumption of your consumable-heavy processes. Establish future standards for these process using actual machine data.

Productivity Improvement

Track productivity KPIs such as Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) automatically. Manage your planning, production and maintenance using real machine data.

Energy and Utilities Monitoring

Monitor and analyze energy and any other utilities consumed by your critical processes. Establish future standards for these process using actual consumption data.

Success Story

JK Tyre uses Datonis IoT to Drive Digital Transformation of their Tire Manufacturing Process

Learn how JK Tyre used Datonis IoT to build a data layer for their processes to significantly drive down their raw material consumption and save on energy and utilities.

What Our Customers Say

“We are already scaling Altizon’s solution to our second plant and look forward to scaling further as well as using the platform as the single source of truth for monitoring our operational KPIs and continuous improvement initiatives.”

Mr. Anil Makkar

Manufacturing Director – JK Tyre

Begin Your IoT Journey with Altizon

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