IoT Enabled Digital Transformation in CPG

Global CPG major correlates data across 10 plants across multiple geographies using the power of IoT to improve production line efficiency by over 8%.

The Customer

A leading global multinational in the CPG space, the company specializes in a wide range of consumer products sold across the world. The product focus areas include personal health, hygiene and personal care products. The company has manufacturing facilities across the globe.

The Problem

The company operates several warehouses, usually close to the last distribution point of the product. Products in various categories are packaged in specific delivery or display cartons at these facilities. As most CPG businesses consist of high volume with low margins, optimizing every operation and effectively utilizing resources help. The key problem at these warehouses is the lack of visibility into reasons for machine breakdowns or idle time, thereby resulting in delay in delivery. The customer wished to implement real-time line monitoring and an alert system to gain control over downtime and implement improvement measures. Here’s what the implementation was aimed at:

The Solution

Parts of Altizon’s Datonis suite were deployed. Wireless sensors and a hardware communication gateway with Datonis Edge embedded in it were deployed inside the customer’s network. Altizon’s IoT platform and a custom business application were deployed on the cloud. The IoT platform’s API was leveraged to integrate with all dependent systems including ERP.


Productivity Improvement

Get an insight into parameters that impact line productivity, such as line rates, loss, and quality analysis at multiple levels.

Machine Condition Monitoring

Monitor and analyze parameters that are critical to machine health. Optimize machine downtime by predicting failure before it occurs.

Manufacturing Data Lake

It is an open data platform that acts as a repository for all critical processes, to easily integrate IT systems with process data.


Analyze energy and other consumables that are part of the production process and discover ways to optimize their utilization.

Plug and Play

Deploy and scale the hardware installation and the platform rapidly across geographies with zero downtime and minimal configuration.

Integrated Security

The platform is fully integrated with single-sign-on into the customer’s application suite providing seamless access.

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