IoT Enabled Digital Transformation in the Tyre Industry

JK Tyre uses the power of IoT and advanced analytics to understand their complex manufacturing process and unlock savings in energy and consumables.

The Customer

JK Tyre & Industries Ltd is among the top 25 tire manufacturers in the world, with a wide range of products catering to diverse business segments in the automobile industry. With a global presence in 100 countries, JK Tyre has 12 manufacturing plants. The company produces over 35 million tires per year.

The Problem

JK Tyre needed to drive IoT-enabled digital transformation by connecting critical processes in tire manufacturing. The processes included mixing, calendering, extrusion, cutting, winding and curing. The resulting manufacturing process data lake was used for deeper analysis into improving process quality and predicting failure using machine condition monitoring. The process and manufacturing data was integrated with ERP to bring visibility and predictability into the manufacturing value chain. Here’s what the implementation needed to achieve:

The Solution

The complete Datonis suite was deployed at JK Tyre, with Datonis Edge operating in a fail-safe configuration inside the customer’s network. Altizon’s IoT platform and Datonis Digital Factory were deployed on the cloud. IoT platform’s API was leveraged to integrate with all dependent systems including ERP.



Perform root cause analysis of parameters that govern product quality using statistical techniques. Correlate this with machine condition.

Machine Condition Monitoring

Monitor and analyze parameters that are critical to machine health. Optimize machine downtime by predicting failure before it occurs.

Energy and Consumables

Analyze energy and other consumables that are part of the production process and discover ways to optimize their utilization.

Productivity Improvement

Get an insight into parameters that impact line productivity, such as line rates, loss, and quality analysis at multiple levels.

Automated Bookings

Carry out IT/OT integration of Datonis IoT with ERP to automatically book production that helps in better visibility and unblocking the inventory.


Trace a product through its manufacturing life cycle, and derive insights around critical quality, condition, and production data at every stage.

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