Smart Manufacturing Report 2019

Smart Manufacturing Report 2019

Smart Manufacturing has gone beyond the pilot stage to being an integral part of digital transformation strategies adopted by the industrial world. Many global enterprises have launched Industrial IoT (IIoT) initiatives to develop IIoT-enabled connected products and services, as well as use IIoT for their own operational improvements. Most companies have become ‘machine data savvy’ and today’s factory is rapidly becoming a digital native. Real-time categorized machine data is now the backbone of any Industry 4.0 initiative.
For the past six years, Altizon has been helping enterprises navigate their IIoT transformation journey. We offer an Industrial IoT platform (Datonis) and vertical solutions for Industry 4.0. We have connected over 100 manufacturing plants and the list of implemented initiatives is ever growing. Over the course of this journey, we have observed that every industry vertical has a specific set of problems (use cases) that are best suited for IIoT.
After the overwhelmingly positive response we received from customers, prospects, industry analysts and the industry at large regarding our last Smart Manufacturing Report, we are pleased to share with you our 2019 Smart Manufacturing RoI Almanac.
This report encompasses our analysis of the problems that are best solved by IIoT initiatives and the outcomes that you can expect. As always, we have shared our findings transparently while maintaining the highest standards of customer data confidentiality. All the data, insights and trends shared in this report are exclusively Altizon’s and are not biased by any external factors or influenced by any external entity. We anticipate that enterprises will be able to use this new report as a benchmark for their Industry 4.0 initiatives, outcomes and processes. We invite you to share your feedback and your IIoT journey with us.

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