Datonis® Mint IoT Marketplace

Ready to go Apps

Industrial IoT Apps for Connected Ecosystem

Connecting machines via software or internet aren’t enough. Key is to listen to what your machines are saying, interpret it, derive insights, and take actions. But this is easier said than done. The machine data is same for everyone in the factory, the challenge is how to interpret that data that will help you do your job well?

At Datonis® IoT Marketplace, you will find applications catering to different users with a variety of needs. These industry applications are built for a specific purpose, cater to role-specific needs, and help drive meaningful insights to prompt business actions. Datonis® Ready to go Industrial IoT Applications leverage single source of truth (data) for simple, intuitive, robust and role-based interface with business intelligence that matters and Inspires Innovation.


Enable, manage and control devices and their policies.

Datonis® Fieldset

Perform in-stream analytics of your IoT data, at scale.

Datonis® Factory

Perform interactive analytics and machine learning on your IoT data.

Datonis® Logitrack

Enable, manage and control devices and their policies.

Simply Smart

Perform in-stream analytics of your IoT data, at scale.

Analytics Notebook

Perform interactive analytics and machine learning on your IoT data.

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